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If you’re reading this blog post, I’d say there’s a pretty good chance that you were born in the 90’s. Or maybe you just really love Harry Potter. Either way, you should definitely go on the Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour in London. But if you’re a 90’s kid who loves Harry Potter, then you HAVE to go on the Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour. Why? Let me tell you.

1. It Will Remind You of Your Childhood

You know how you spent literally every waking minute of elementary school reading or thinking about Harry Potter? Remember how you stayed up way past your bedtime to go to a midnight book release or movie premiere? Remember how, on your 11th birthday, you sat by the mailbox all day waiting for your Hogwarts letter to come — even if you weren’t from the UK?

Now, you finally CAN get your Hogwarts letter, and I promise you it will be everything you’ve ever dreamed of. If you don’t feel like crying from nostalgia at least once during your time at the Harry Potter Studio Tour, you clearly didn’t spend enough of your childhood immersed in the world of Harry Potter.

2. You can pretend to be a wizard

The Great Hall set at the Warner Bros Studio Tour London

Once you’ve gotten your Hogwarts letter, you can step right into the Great Hall and start practicing your magic. Green screens galore and a million different photo opportunities mean that you, too, can be a wizard — even if only for a few hours.

3. You’ll be astounded by the level of detail

Cauldrons in the Potions Classroom/Dungeon, Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour London

The Harry Potter films were no budget operation. They literally spent more than a billion dollars over ten years to create a completely new world for our viewing pleasure. Though you may not agree with how the world came to life in comparison to how you imagined it in your head while reading the books, you won’t be able to help but appreciate just how much effort went into creating everything in the movies. The little details are absolutely amazing.

4. It’s cheaper than The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

You’re a 90s kid. You don’t have a lot of money. Especially not the kind of money to drop $100s of dollars on just one day at a theme park. Tickets for the Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studio Tour are still expensive (£37/person if you buy online as of November 2017), but if you’re a die-hard Harry Potter fan who is looking to save money, it’s definitely the better option. Especially if you’re not actually that big a fan of roller coasters.

5. You get to try Butterbeer

If there’s one thing I’ve always wondered about, it’s what Butterbeer tastes like. Halfway through my Harry Potter Studio Tour, I finally got the chance to taste it (at the actually totally reasonable price of £6 for the Butterbeer AND a souvenir mug). Needless to say, it was one of the best moments in my life. Partially because everything I had ever done had lead me to that moment, and partially just because it ACTUALLY TASTED GOOD. Seriously. What more can you even ask for?

6. You’ll learn about the animals

Information board about the animal actors at Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour London

I’m pretty sure literally every millennial loves animals. At least I do. Even though it was such a tiny part of the exhibit, the board about the different animal actors that played Hedwig, Fang, Crookshanks, and all of the other animals was my favorite part of the Harry Potter Studio Tour. They’re just so dang cute!

7. You get to meet Buckbeak

Buckbeak in the Forbidden Forest at the Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour London

Still on the theme of animals: didn’t you always wish you had the chance fly over Hogwarts on Buckbeak like Harry did? While you won’t actually get to RIDE Buckbeak on the Harry Potter Studio Tour, you do get to meet him — at least in animatronic form — in the Forbidden Forest. And let me tell you, he’s pretty dang cool.

8. It’s just really dang fun

Haven’t persuaded you to take the Harry Potter Studio Tour yet? Well, first of all, it’s highly likely you have no soul. I might worry about that if I were you. If you’re pretty sure you do have a soul though and just don’t like animals or didn’t read the Harry Potter books growing up, I can promise that you’ll still have fun at the Harry Potter Studio Tour. It’s just too good not to have the best day of your life.

The Harry Potter Studio Tour is easily one of the best things to do in London. It is absolutely worth the money and the time you have to take to get out to the suburbs in order to visit. Whether you’re just looking for a good thing to do in London on a rainy day or you’ve been dreaming about Harry Potter all your life, the Harry Potter Studio Tour is a must do. Especially if you’re a 90s kid 😉

Have you ever been the Harry Potter Studio Tour? What was your favorite part?

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On the fence about taking the Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour in London? You shouldn't be! Here are 8 awesome reasons why you should take the Harry Potter Studio Tour - especially if you're a 90's kid!


Addie Gray is a recent college grad and a passionate solo female traveler. Having traveled to more than 20 countries, she now shares her knowledge on budget travel, solo female travel, and travel photography.


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